ISO 45001

Occupational health and safety

Occupational health and safety is not only a legal obligation for all companies, but also a fundamental ethical principle that promotes the well-being of employees and contributes to company success. The WISER Group is aware of this responsibility and wants to contribute to the continuous improvement of its customers' workplace safety and health protection by introducing, auditing and consulting the ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management system. With all this, you can develop a culture of workplace safety, improve occupational safety performance and reduce the number of workplace accidents and illnesses.

Don't delay, contact us!

iso 45001

Why is ISO 45001 important?

Az ISO 45001 egy nemzetközileg elismert szabvány, amely a munkahelyi egészségvédelem és biztonság irányítási rendszereinek kereteit határozza meg. Ennek célja, hogy segítse a szervezeteket a munkahelyi balesetek, sérülések és betegségek megelőzésében, ezzel is elősegítve egy biztonságos és egészséges munkakörnyezet kialakítását.

Our ISO 45001 services

Introduction advice

Our experts provide assistance in the customized design, implementation and maintenance of the ISO 45001 system. Our goal is to create a system that creates real value for the company, not just a "tick on the list".

Auditing services

Regular internal and external audits provide an opportunity for continuous development and measuring the effectiveness of the occupational health and safety system. With the help of our experts, you can identify potential risks and determine the necessary measures.

Training and support

With our training and support, we ensure that your company's team members can understand and apply the requirements of the standard, thereby contributing to maintaining a high level of workplace safety and health protection.

How does the process work?

  • Status assessment : During a consultation, we will assess your company's current situation, occupational health and safety practices and challenges.
  • Creation of a personalized plan : Based on the status assessment, we develop a personalized plan that includes the steps for implementing the ISO 45001 system, the necessary training and the schedule of audits.
  • Introduction and training : Our experts help with the introduction of the system and provide training to employees on the requirements of the standard and safe working practices.
  • Auditing and continuous development : After the introduction of the system, we conduct regular internal and external audits to evaluate the system's effectiveness and identify opportunities for further development.

Customized solutions

Request a free consultation where we can discuss how we can help your business meet the Hungarian occupational health and safety standards and regulations.

Why should you invest in ISO 45001?

  • Csökkenti a munkahelyi balesetek és betegségek kockázatát: A rendszeres felülvizsgálat és fejlesztés révén minimalizálhatók a munkahelyi kockázatok.
  • Javítja a vállalati hírnevet: Egy ISO 45001 tanúsítvánnyal rendelkező vállalat elkötelezettséget mutat a munkavédelem és az egészségvédelem iránt.
  • Növeli a dolgozói elégedettséget és produktivitást: A biztonságos munkakörnyezet hozzájárul a dolgozói jólét növeléséhez és így közvetetten a munka hatékonyságának javításához.

Why choose WISER Group?

  • Personalized approach : We deal with each customer on the basis of individual needs in order to provide the most appropriate solution.
  • Expert knowledge : Our team consists of experienced professionals who have in-depth knowledge of the ISO 45001 standard and occupational health and safety.
  • Ongoing support : From implementation to audit and beyond, we are ready to support your company in managing its occupational health and safety challenges.

Our partners

At WISER Group, we believe that workplace safety and health protection is everyone's responsibility. With our cooperation, we not only meet the legal requirements, but also contribute to improving the well-being of employees and increasing the success of your company.